What do you need to work at a dispensary in Florida? You must be at least 21 years of age to work in the cannabis industry. State law requires all medical cannabisworkers to undergo a level 2 criminal background check and not have any disqualifying offenses. You must have a clean record to work in a dispensary. A felony can automatically disqualify you from employment.
Can you own a gun with a medical card in Florida 2022? Medical Marijuana patients under Federal Law are prohibited from purchasing new firearms during the duration of the term of their medical marijuana card. The reason for this are in fact federal laws not Florida laws.
How much money has Florida made from medical marijuana? Florida’s 2020 medical marijuana sales exploded to nearly $1.23 billion. This puts Florida ahead of every state except the cannabis powerhouses of California and Colorado in terms of sales.
Is it hard to get marijuana in Florida? In recent times, the process of becoming an MMJ patient in Florida has become significantly easier. You can apply online and receive certification from one of the thousands of licensed physicians. Successful applicants get their cards within ten days and can buy cannabis from one of the hundreds of dispensaries.