Can you renew your medical marijuana card online in Florida? Renewal Instructions:
Go to and click the “Renew A License” button. Enter your Personal Identifying Information (PII), then click the Login button. Confirm or update your MQA Services Account email address, then click the “Continue” button. You are now in the Dashboard.
How much is it to renew your Florida medical marijuana card? How much does it cost to renew my Florida Medical marijuana card? When a patient renews their Registry ID Card, along with their application they must submit a $75 annual fee to the Florida state Office of Medical Marijuana Use. The application can be found here, along with instructional guides and an application FAQ.
Can you go into a dispensary without a card in Florida? Can I Go to a Dispensary Without a Card in Florida? No, you won’t be able to go to any dispensaries in Florida without a Florida medical marijuana card. Recreational cannabis has not been legalized in Florida, which means that only qualified MMJ patients can go to dispensaries.
How much can you buy from a dispensary at a time Florida? The state of Florida has set a limit that says patients may not purchase more than 2.5 ounces of smokable marijuana within a given 35-day stretch of time. That’s the maximum a doctor may recommend, but it’s also technically possible a doctor would recommend lower amounts than that, depending on your MMJ evaluation.